VIGIL for Indian Democracy
By Sat Pal Muman
Sunday, 5th May 2024,
Parliament Square
Dear Friends
I stand in solidarity with all of you that
have gathered here today, in Parliament Square, Outside the Houses of British
Parliament Building to highlight our concerns of the rise of Hindu Nationalism and
its threat to Indian democracy.
Emboldened by the BJP-RSS nexus in power
since 2014, Hindutva forces have unleashed reign of terror and repression targeting
Dalits, Muslims, Christian and women.
This appalling state of affairs is getting
worse, vicious and divisive each day especially now during the Indian General
election campaigns.
Friends, Indian democracy is under attack and we need to stand together in solidarity to confront the menace of BJP-RSS nexus that has turned India into a Republic of Fear.
BJP-RSS leaders unashamedly and openly
call out to amend the Indian democratic secular Constitution and to replace it with
a Theocracy that is Hindu Raj.
Dr B R Ambedkar, Chief architect of
India’s Constitution, introduced nation Building principles into the
constitution of India,
The Preamble of India’s Constitution provides
a template for all Indians, especially Politicians who come into power.
THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, solemnly resolved to constitute
all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief,
faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the
individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
Each one of these principles have been
violated since the BJP-RSS hegemony has been in power.
FRATERNITY is a fundamental principle to encourage people to live in peace and harmony but instead we see Modi, Shah and their political cohorts making hate speeches day in day out targeting Muslims and other minorities thereby inciting violence.
The hate speeches by Modi, Shah and their political
cohorts daily violate the tenet of Fraternity with impunity.
It is not enough to say country has economic growth whilst at the same time divide the people on religious, caste and ethnic grounds with incitement of violence and hatred undermining India’s social cohesion.
Can India claim to be a civilisation in
which women are paraded naked and gang raped in public!
Parading of naked
women in Manipur is a brutal reminder of the state of barbarism and
ruthlessness Indian polity has sunk into in recent times.
Whether it is
Manipur or the violence in Nuh, Haryana and other places, politicians routinely
use Hindu nationalist rhetoric to divide and polarise the community in which
rape and murder of women is weaponised with impunity! Houses are burned and
bull-dozed; communities displaced in a reckless act of tit-for-tat killings in
which the police and law enforcement agencies become mere spectators!
Escalation of Mob-lynching, rape and murder of minorities; silencing of progressive forces;
There has
been a paradigm shift in public political discourse since
BJP came into power.
It is horrifying to see TV public debates that spread
poison and hate.
Extrajudicial destruction of businesses,
homes, churches, mosques, and other religious sites by vigilante groups and
government entities
Misuse of
anti-terrorism legislation like the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA)
against human rights advocates, and the unjust incarceration of human rights
Archbishop of Imphal claims 249 churches
burnt in Manipur as reported in The Indian Express
A recent book
written by Christophe Jafferlot: Modi’s India, provides a comprehensive
analysis of the rise of BJP as a dominant electoral force under the guise of
Hindu Nationalism
and the rise of ethnic democracy!
the personalisation of Power and
Heroisation of one man;
of Bajrang Dal - Sangh Parivar’s Armed wing
the public space ; The crusade against ‘liberals’
of Minorities ; Anti Christian xenophobia ; Recurrent mobilisation against
de-facto Hindu Rashtra: vigilantes and control of state administration
rise of parallel state; Digital vigilantism; physical violence against
death of the Right to Information
supreme court: from resistance to surrender
majoritarianism : which prepared the ground for Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
citizenship on an ethnoreligious basis: citizenship Amendment Act; National
population register
of Reservation
Wapsi; Anti conversation Laws; Demonitisation ;
Rakshak vigilantism; lynching in the name of cow protection
of Jai Shri Ram during violence and hate campaigns
of media; Weakening of election commission;
The decline of Parliament: BJP MPs chants of Modi Modi in Indian Parliament !
I call on western democracies to wake up and take serious note of the world’s ‘largest democracy (India)’ under the guise of majoritarianism how it is turning into a terrorist state through suppression and silencing of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, caste affected Dalits and Tribal (Adivasi) communities!
The western democracies
should look beyond its selfish Business deals and investment interests and
raise questions about ethnic and religious violence unfolding in India under
the rhetoric of Hindu Nationalism!
I call upon the
international community to raise questions about Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing
in the name of Hindu Nationalism in the ‘largest democracy’ that is India!
Today, the oppressed classes are rising to assert their
Social, Political and Human Rights - values that are a direct challenge to
BJP-RSS hegemony and the rise of Hindu fundamentalism.
In a memorandum on the Rights of States and Minorities dated March 24 1947 which he submitted to the sub-committee on Fundamental Rights,
Dr Ambedkar wrote,
Unfortunately for the minorities in India,
Indian nationalism has developed a new doctrine which may be called the Divine
Right of the majority to rule the minorities according to the wishes of the
Any claim for the sharing of power the
minority is called communalism, while the monopolising of the whole power the
majority is called nationalism
We must all collaborate and protect Democracy
and Human Rights.
Building alliances at Global level is
vital and relevant today than at any time.
For those who have deep love for India and its people and believe in undivided India, it is time to stand up in solidarity to save India’s constitution and its Democracy.
Thank you for your time
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