Ref: ARMY/HO/TN/ECI/105/2024 29th May, 2024
1)Hon’ble Mr.Rajiv Kumar,
Chief Election Commissioner
Election Commission of India,
Nirvachan Sadan,
Ashoka Road,
NEW DELHI-110 001
2)Hon’ble Mr.Gyanesh Kumar,
Election Commissioner,
Election Commission of India,
Nirvachan Sadan,
Ashoka Road,
NEW DELHI-110 001
3)Dr.Sukhbir Singh Sandhu
Election Commissioner,
Election Commission of India,
Nirvachan Sadan,
Ashoka Road,
NEW DELHI-110 001
Honourable Chief Election Commissioner and Election
Commissioners, Greetings and respects to you.
“The ballot is stronger than the bullet” -
Abraham Lincoln “However good a Constitution may be, it is sure to
out bad if those who are called to work it, happen to be a bad lot; however
bad a Constitution may be, it may turn to be good if
those who are called to work it happen to be a good lot.” -Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar’s speech on 25.11.1949 Page
975,Vol-XI of Book No.5 of CA Debates published by Lok Sabha Secretariat in 1999 “If the people who are elected are capable and men
of character and integrity, they would be able to make the best even of a
defective Constitution. If they are
lacking in these, the Constitution cannot help the country. After all, a
Constitution like a machine is lifeless thing. It acquires life because of the men who
control it and operate it, and India needs today nothing more than a set of
honest men who will have the interest of the country before them.” -Dr.Rajendra Prasad’s Speech on 26.11.1949 Page 993, Vol-XI of Book No.5
Constituent Assembly Debates published
by Lok Sabha Secretariat in 1999 “The Weimar Constitution was said to be a model
democratic Constitution of the time but it was soon wrecked by Hitler and out
of its ashes arose a terrible dictatorship which plunged the world into a
devastating war. So it is not the
Constitution that matters not the people who make it, but it is the men who work
the Constitution and the spirit in which they work it. Any Constitution may be good on paper, but
its success depends upon the manner in which it is worked.” -B.M.Gupte’s Speech on 23.11.1949 Page 845 Vol-XI
Book No.5 of Constituent Assembly Debates published by
Lok Sabha Secretariat in 1999 “I feel that it is workable, it is flexible and it
is strong enough to hold the country together both in peace time and war
time. Indeed, if I may say so, if
things go wrong under the new Constitution, the reason will not be that we
had a bad Constitution. What we will
have to say is that Man was vile.” -Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar on 4.11.1948 Page 44,Vol-VII
o Book No.2 of CA Debates published by Lok Sabha Secretariat in 1999 |
Being a citizen of India and a social activist keeping
the interest of our country above everything,
I have chosen to pen this letter to you. This letter is addressed to
your goodselves keeping in mind/ understanding your status that you are not the servants of the
Government of India but the Constitutional Dignitaries, the creatures of the
Constitution which envisages your independent functioning detached from any
political party, although you too can vote for any party/ candidate of your
choice but your functional responsibilities are expected to be above any
political partisan. In other words, the
fate of the world’s largest democracy is put in your hands and as such not only
our country but the whole world is keenly watching the functioning of the ECI! In a nutshell, people should not doubt that
the fate of Indian Democracy is in the unsafe hands.
It is a well known fact that your appointments are
purely political although under the guise of constitutionality. However, the CEC and subsequently CEC along
with ECs had been non-controversial or less controversial while a minuscule few
were above controversy. However, the 17th
Lok Sabha Elections in 2019 and the 18th Lok Sabha Elections set in
motion now are totally different. The
Election Commission of India could not save itself from the ignominy of showing
partiality to the opposition party and favouritism to the ruling party and none
could assert like Mr.T.N.Seshan, and
stand with spine before the Government in power, although he must have had a few human shortcomings.
Lord Acton has said, “Power tends to
corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Although the ruling party
can alienate itself from the essence of this quote by blowing its own hollowed
trumpet, it is evidently and
absolutely true that no political party in India has embraced this quote in
totality as much as the BJP has done,
that too, under the WATCH OF THE ECI, the supposed to be Defender and Upholder
of Democracy in India. The words of Lord Acton are not only applicable to the
Politicians but also to the remaining Pillars of Democracy, namely, Executive,
Judiciary and Press/ Media. The people
of India have been believing and are still believing that those who are the
creatures of the Constitution will act like the Constitutional Authorities but we do rarely come across such men of
competence, caliber and mental stamina.
The following questions are submitted before you for
your soul-search:
When the
Lok Sabha Elections in 2004, despite availability of low level technology and difficulty in
mobility /deployment of paramilitary forces to different parts of the
country, could be completed in a record
of 20 days, why should the ECI under your stewardship should take almost 3
months to complete and declare the results on 4th of June,
present Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers have assumed charge on 30.5.2019
and as such they are deemed to be in power/ position only till 29.5.2024. Then, how could you schedule the 18th
Lok Sabha Elections till 2nd June, 2024? Which Constitutional Provision has given
power to the ECI to extend the tenure of the current Cabinet according to its whims and fancies?
countries like the USA, Germany, Japan and other countries which are
undoubtedly having more technological superiority than our country, have been
resorting to manual voting instead of the so called dubious and maneuverable
Electronic Voting Machines, and when almost all the opposition political
parties have been making demands to do away with the EVM, why does the Hon’ble
ECI maintain stony silence on this matter?
Caesar divorced Pompeia saying that “my wife ought not even to be
under suspicion” and this has become a proverb for the whole world: “Caesar’s
wife must be above suspicion” and the people of India, particularly the
electors expect the ECI to be above suspicion. Unfortunately, things have happened
differently in the previous LS Elections and thereafter. We believe such a favoured treatment to the ruling party in the Centre
and its allies and hostile approach towards the opposition parties would be
absent during the current elections under your superintendence and your actions
are disappointing. No efforts are
visible from your side at least to show that you seem to be transparent and
unbiased in your thoughts, speech and acts.
was frantically trying to lie before the Supreme Court in the matter of Electoral Bonds Scheme data, the ECI is too
trying to suppress the truth and mislead the Supreme Court on the Form 17C
which has hitherto been uploaded in the website of ECI and only now the ECI has
been adamant not to upload the data of votes polled on the same day or at least
the next day. Why do you take about a
week or more to give the data?
How could
there be an addition of about 1.07 crore votes to the votes actually polled on
the polling dates? People are of full doubt about the integrity of the ECI and
particularly the CEC and ECs and you have to strive to prove that you are
conducting free and fair elections and not favouring the ruling party and not
showing your loyalty to your political masters.
How could the initially reported percentage of 65.4 voter turnout
suddenly jump to 66.9% taking the voter turnout to a sweeping addition of 1.07
crore? People are shocked over this and
suspect that there is a deep-rooted conspiracy to bail out the ruling BJP by
sacrificing Indian Democracy at the altar of fascist autocracy.
the people cannot go on forever:
can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time” - Abraham Lincoln
is a tendency among the rulers, particularly those who are undemocratic, that
the people at large are idiots and that they could be easily duped with lies
and false promises. George Denis
Patrick Carlin, the American Social Critic has rightly said, “Never
underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups” In fact, the Indian voters are wiser enough
but they are carried away by the bombastic and flamboyant speech of some
devilish politicians and once they realize that they have been fooled and duped, no force can stop their
retaliation. Hitler and Goebbles were the unparalleled
star-liars and ultimately their last days ended in utter shame.
You are at liberty for Personal Loyalty but not at the cost of your
Constitutional positions:
is nothing wrong in your showing personal loyalty to your political masters but
not at the cost of your Constitutional Positions. Like any voter, you can vote for a party of
your choice or a candidate of your choice.
It is your constitutional right.
But when you discharge your Constitutional obligations, your personal
loyalty should necessarily take a back-seat and the following quote will be apt
to reproduce:
man can be grateful at the cost of his honour; no woman can be grateful at the
cost of her chastity and no nation can be grateful at the cost of its liberty”
said the famous Irish Poet Daniel O’Connel and this famous quote was echoed by
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar in the Constituent Assembly while emphasizing and fixing
the limits of personal loyalty to anyone.
Intellectuals alone lead a country and hence intellectuals should not
become perverts.
There is a general tendency among the people all over
the world that all the educated are intellectuals whereas it is not so. But one thing has to be admitted, that is,
the world has suferred worse- politically, economically and in all important
fields- at the hands of the so called intellectuals than the ordinary
masses. The top perverted intellectuals
are the brains behind the world’s biggest scams, you must be aware of
world suffers a lot not because of the violence of bad people but because of
the silence of the good people”, said Napoleon Bonaparte. In line with the
above, I would like to add that if the Democracy of India is in peril during
these General Elections and is a lame duck, the Honourable CEC and ECs, and
none else, are to be squarely blamed.
is a general perception among the people, and it is true also that the
country’s democracy has got severely crippled during the last 10 years and the
so called intellectuals who have become perverts for the sake of position and
power are the root-causes of this malady, although there are a good number of
people who had strong spine to withstand the undue, unethical,
immoral and unconstitutional pressures and they are duly reverred by the people
for their mental stamina. It is not
that this charge of the intellectuals inflicting irreparable damage to the
country is levelled without any basis but with the universally
acceptable strong view of none other than the Architect of the Indian
Constitution, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar:
you accept the theory of great man as the maker of history or whether you do
not, this much you will have to concede that in every country the intellectual
class is the most influential class, if not the governing class. The intellectual class is the class which can
foresee, it is the class which can advise and give lead. In no country the mass of the people live the
life of intelligent thought and action.
It is largely imitative and follows the intellectual class. There is no exaggeration in saying that the
entire destiny of a country depends upon the intellectual class. If the intellectual class is honest,
independent and disinterested, it can be trusted to take the initiative and
give a proper lead when a crisis arises.
It is only a means and use of means depends upon the ends which an
intellectual person pursues. An
intellectual man can be a good man, be a band of high-souled persons, ready to
help, ready to emancipate the erring humanity or it may be easily be a band of
crooks of a body of advocates of narrow clique from which it draws its
Man, One Vote and One Vote, One Value”
as propounded by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar has been getting denerated over the
years and it has become the worst and become a mockery during your Constitutional tenure, more than any
tenure of CEC & ECs, and hence it is painfully submitted for corrective
action, before it becomes too late.
who wins without problem, it is just
“VICTORY” But, one who wins with a lot of troubles , that is
“HISTORY” - Adolf Hitler
you want the VICTORY for the chosen lots or you want the HISTORY for our
Motherland rests in your wisdom and hands and we still hope you will emerge
impartial at least during the last phase of elections and on the D-Day, the
counting of votes and declaring of
results in a manner of upholding democracy- like saving the DYING
DEMOCRACY from the Electoral ICU and to live up to the Constitutional morality
pressured by your conscience, as you have exhibited finally the votes polled on
the date of election as declared by the Presiding Officers/ Returning Officer
will remain in tact.
“You may never know what results come of your action
but if you do nothing there will be no result” - Gandhiji
you do good, good results will come; if you do bad, bad results will come; if
you don’t do good also, bad results will come and if you remain silent
spectators, the chaos created by the political hooligans will engulf the
nation, to which, it is earnestly believed, you will not be parties under any
records the events and actions of men - both heroes and villains and it records
and compliments the heroes and retorts and rebukes the villains and the people
of India don’t want the CEC and ECs to
find their names in the ignominious pages of history. There are people who think that the history
can be erased but with the advent of technology, it is not so easy to erase the
history and somewhere and someone in some parts of the world have been
chronicling the events unfolding in the current disasters of any kind along
with the noble deeds.
of mind is the real freedom. A person
whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave, not a free man. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison,
is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose
mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead. Freedom of
mind is the proof of one's existence.” said Dr.Ambedkar in his famous treatise “Annihilation of Castes”. The people of India are very much
sure that the wisdom will at last dawn
on you to have a free and fearless mind for ensuring free and fair elections
without any compromise, even in the eleventh hour with exercise of your Constitutional powers for corrective
In conclusion, the people of India want
you to live in the history of ECI like Mr.T.N.Seshan, Mr.T.S.Krishnamoorthy,
Dr.S.Y Quraishi, Mr.N.Gopalaswami and
and such other CECs; like Mr.Ashok Lavasa and Mr.Arun Goel who resigned
their posts of Election Commissioners listening to the dictates of their
conscience and for being on the side of impartiality! May we expect you to be
in the galaxy of these eminent personalities?
We do hope as we believe that the quote “It is better late than
never” will dawn on you to dawn for the rise of India!
With warm regards,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary,
Bharat Ratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Rationalist Youth
Movement (ARMY)
Chennai-600 011
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