This article is a reply to those sympathizers of Brahmins who
at a subconscious level themselves follow Brahminism but give the impression
that the two (Brahmins and Brahminism) can be
separated. They seem to think that the followers of any ideology can continue
having the same identity even after rejecting the said ideology. Christians/Muslims/Sikhs/Buddhist etc lose these identities if they
reject Christianity/Islam/Sikhism/Buddhism.
What happens when a
Brahmin rejects Brahminism? Does he lose his Brahmin identity or does he retain
it? Yes, it’s possible to be born as a Brahmin and not follow Brahminwad. There
is only one test with three
- Is such a person willing
to disassociate himself from everything that identifies him as a Brahmin,
becoming an ex-Brahmin?
- Does s/he agree that the
root cause of all social disharmony in India is mainly due to Brahmins?
- Will s/he be willing to
fight tooth and nail for complete ‘Annihilation of Jati’ (AoJ)’? (The
word ‘jati’ or‘jaat’ is preferred instead of its inaccurate
translation, ‘caste’ for ideological reasons. Please see the end of the
article for reasons).
What I said about the Brahmin disassociating himself from his Brahmin
identity, I say the same about all who have even a slightest bit of emotional
attachment left towards any jati they may claim to have forfeited. If you ask a
person for his jati (or the jati s/he belonged to) and
s/he responds, in any number of sentences, stating a name of a jati, jati has
already defeated that person.
Unless jati is annihilated, at
least among-st the non-Brahmins, there is no hope for
India to emerge as a great nation, EVER!! This is regardless of how many other social,
political, economic or religious revolutions one may start (I
invite anyone who disagree for a sensible dialogue).
All other solutions are merely
short-term fixes, including the spread of one’s chosen religion, improving
economic status and gaining political power; unless there is AoJ. Annihilation
of jati is not the solution to all problems faced by society but without the
Annihilation of Jati, social justice will always remain a distant dream. Rather
than keep repeating the mantra, “annihilate caste, annihilate caste,” how many
are actually working towards its annihilation? I can’t think of a single
organisation whose sole aim is annihilation of jati. No wonder we are not any
closer to AoJ than how Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar left it.
Babasaheb swept the path and
showed us the way. It’s our duty to walk on
it. He dug the foundations, it’s our job to build on it. The Brahmins have
thousands of years of experience in protecting the jati system without anyone
even realizing how cunningly and subtlety he’s done it, until Dr. Ambedkar came
The Brahmin can even be seen to
fight against caste in the form of anti ‘caste discrimination’ but in
the process strengthen it because anti ‘Caste Discrimination’ does not mean
anti ‘caste’. Fighting for equality in castes is counterproductive to the annihilation
of caste because desiring such equality further strengthens one’s belief in
the caste s/he is trying to uplift. In order to annihilate jati, we need a
complete 180 degree paradigm shift in the way it is viewed. The Brahmin feels
secure knowing this to be true.
Babasaheb realised that it is better to forget educating the Brahmins regarding reformation.
It’s not going to work unless they become ex Brahmins, the chances of which are
negligible. It’s time to abandon them. It time for dhammantra. It’s time for
conversion. Forget educating the Brahmins. Educate all others. That means there
is hardly any point fighting with the Brahmins. Their influence will
automatically be zeroed as soon as the masses awaken and leave the Hindu-fold.
This reminds me of a quote by Bruce Lee in the film ‘Enter the Dragon’, “My
style is the art of fighting without fighting.” Many moderates, left-wingers
and academics think and say (and the Brahmin surely loves it), “Babasaheb was
against Brahminism, not Brahmins.” The implication is that it’s ok to trust and
befriend Brahmins.
What Babasaheb meant was
there’s no use educating the Brahmins. Nor is a direct confrontation of any sort beneficial unless
it is to educate the non-Brahmins. ‘No war’ does not mean ‘no enemy’. Very
often one may have an enemy but strategically decide not to fight, for example
when it is known that there is a better way to permanently disable the enemy.
In our case permanently disable the enemy by vaporizing his deadliest weapon,
the jati. Annihilate the jati that was forced upon your ancestors
and subconsciously accepted by you.
We don’t need to spend time and
energy educating the Brahmins to stop being casteists. We
just need to educate the non-Brahmins and leave the Brahmin alone. All alone!
Caste cannot be annihilated whilst staying in the Hindu-fold so you must LEAVE
Hinduism and leave the Brahmin all alone. The Brahmin will soon be finished
when there is no one left to control. Similarly, those who may replace Brahmins
will too be finished.
So, there is no need to fight
the Brahmin but there is a desperate need to root out the final traces of Brahminism/Jatism that
is deeply rooted in our psyche. We need to rid ourselves of caste behaviour. We
need to be careful with the words we use and how they are used, focusing on the
There are many sayings of the
type, “it’s not the thief who is wrong but the system that turned him into a
thief.” Does that really mean that the thief is not wrong and it okay
to befriend and trust him?
In the same manner, look at the
phrase, “I am not against Brahmins but their system, Brahminism.” Does
that mean, one is not against Brahmins? No it does not. You must educate the
victims of mental slavery about Brahmins and their control mechanism,
Brahmanism/Jatism. Simply annihilate Jati from within yourself first and then
propagate the same. Annihilation of Jati means
shedding all traces of Jati identity as much as is practically possible.
The mistake that Ashoka-the-great
and his descendants made was; they failed to fully recognize the
cunningness of their greatest enemy who had a secret weapon, the wicked jati. They
failed to annihilate jati, resulting in the enemy gaining super
strength. Can Brahminism be annihilated from within the Brahmin without
annihilating the Brahmin identity?
Would anyone ever say:
“I’m against Buddhism, not
“I’m against Sikhism not the
against Islam, not the Muslims.” If No, why not? (Think
about it a bit before you read further).
Does it make sense to say, “I’m
against Buddhism, not Buddhists”? Now apply similar reasoning in the case of ‘Brahminism and Brahmins’. Does
it make sense to say, “I’m against Brahminism not Brahmins”?
For the same reasons, it does
not make sense when we make ANY of the above statements; it
does not make sense saying, “I’m against Brahminism and not against Brahmins.” If
saying the words, “I love the Brahmins but I hate Brahminism” makes
sense to you; then saying the words, “I love the Buddhists but
I hate Buddhism” can surely make sense to the Brahmin. If you rightly
think that it doesn’t make sense a Brahmin saying, “I’m
against Buddhism but not against Buddhists”, then nor does it
make sense you saying, “I’m against Brahminism but not against Brahmins”.
Furthermore, if there were no Muslims/Buddhists/Sikhs then there
would not have been a spread of Islam/Buddhism/Sikhism. Similarly, if
there were no Brahmins, there wouldn’t have been a spread of Brahmanism.
Just as Nazism
is the philosophy/way of life of the Nazis, so is Brahmanism
a philosophy/way of life of the Brahmins. It cannot be anything
There is no such person as a Muslim/Sikh/Buddhists who
hates Islam/Sikhism/Buddhism. So there cannot be a Brahmin who hates
Brahminism. That surely mean, “Brahminism cannot be separated from Brahmins
unless they become ex-Brahmins” The fact that someone calls himself a Brahmin (or
any other varna or jati) means that she/he is a casteist. If they
truly are not casteists, they wouldn’t identify themselves as Brahmins (or
any other varna/jati). That’s how they control the masses, by making
their lot believe that they are Brahmins (i.e. superior) and
by making others believe that they have a jati/caste.
Interestingly, jati is a
scientific term used in Hindi medium schools in biology lessons when teaching
classification of living things. The exact meaning of jati
in the English language is species, not caste. According to the
Brahmanic texts, humans are classified into four Varnas and many
jatis/species and sub jatis or subspecies. The so-called untouchables
were the outcastes. This means they didn’t fall under the human caste/jati/species as
they were non- human. They weren’t even worth keeping as slaves, for then there
would have been that risk of touching them. The use of the word ‘caste’ lessens
the negative connotations attached the word JATI and gives the jatists an
excuse to say, “caste is a foreign construct.”
The understanding of what has
been said so far is the first step towards annihilation of Jati, otherwise,
it’s impossible to do so. There are forces out there quietly brainwashing the
innocent because they don’t want anyone knowing this. Don’t
be fooled.
Author: Shekhar Bodhakar
1. What is the Indian caste system and how does it work?
2. What is the exact meaning of hindi word, "Dalit"?
3. WHY did Dr. Ambedkar say, "Gandhi is the greatest enemy of the untouchables"?
4. Why the scheduled castes and tribes are not Hindu?
5. Can the caste system be eradicated from India? If so, how?
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