

Why aren't most Indians referring to 26th January as independence day for the 'Sovereign Democratic Republic of India'?

26th January 1950 was independence day which means COMPLETE INDEPENDENCE. That's when the Independent Sovereign Democratic Republic of India was created and its constitution enacted. Before this date the law makers were selected, not elected. There is no such thing as incomplete /partial independence for a SOVEREIGN STATE. 

Chapter 30 of the Indian independence Act 1947 states that 15TH August 1947 is to be referred to as the APPOINTED DAY (not Independence day). Nowhere in the Indian Independence act does it say that 15th August is independence day BUT we do have references of Babasaheb Ambedkar referring to 26th January 1950 as independence day in his last parliamentary speech. There can only be ONE Indian INDEPENDENCE DAY and that's 26th January. 

The controlling powers dominated by the Brahmin-Bania alliance don't want you to know that. Maybe because if you start highlighting 26th January as Indian independence day, the 'Father of Modern India', Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, will too be highlighted (as the 'Father of Indian independence'). At the first RTC, when the future of India was being decided, he was the FIRST and ONLY Person to demand full independence from the British, whereas Mr. M.K. Gandhi (in the 2nd RTC) asked for Princely States with the British at the center.

Being the only Indian to attend all three Round Table Conferences in London, shows Dr Ambedkar's unparalleled commitment and determination to get for India and ALL its citizens, what India really deserved. No other person showed this level of concern and commitment for India's future.


The reason INC chose this date..

At its Lahore session. A public declaration was made on 26 January 1930 – a day which the Congress Party urged Indians to celebrate as ‘Independence Day’.

 This declaration was made on 19 December 1929 and 26 January was recognized as INDEPENDENCE DAY, ‘Purna Swaraj’. This day was annually celebrated as such until1946.

When India REALLY became a fully INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC with it's own constitution coming into force, they started celebrating 15th August as independence Day which actually was the appointed day of POWER TRANSFER TO THE INC DOMINATED BY THE BRAHMIN-BANIA.

Since 26 January is the day of creation of the sovereign country known as the REPUBLIC of INDIA, this day is the real Indian Independence Day.

 Shekhar Bodhakar



On 15th August 1947, two separate Dominions - India and Pakistan - were created from the territories of British India through an act of the British Parliament.

(The Dominion status is in between a colony and a sovereign state).

Other erstwhile colonies of the British Empire like Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa etc. were also accorded the Dominion status at different points of time, and were granted the freedom to self-govern but were still bound by their allegiance to the crown. Some of them still have the British monarch as their head of state, and some others like India, Pakistan, South Africa, etc. adopted a Constitution and declared themselves to be Republics - where the head of State is not a monarch but a representative of people of the Republic.

BUT NONE OF THESE COUNTRIES OTHER THAN INDIA AND PAKISTAN, celebrate the day on which they became Dominions as 'Independence Day'.

Canada, for eg., used to call it 'Dominion Day' and later renamed it to 'Canada Day'. Countries such as New Zealand, Australia, South Africa etc. don't even commemorate the day on which they became Dominions of the British Empire. South Africa celebrates its 'Freedom Day' on the day on which the first post-Apartheid elections were held.

Hopefully sooner rather than later, when the masses realise this, the Independence day for the republic of India, would be celebrated on the day when India became an Independent Sovereign Republic with its constitution enacted, espousing egalitarian ideals, even if at the time only on paper.

For more on Dominion status, see -

15th August 1947 was the APPOINTED DAY for British India to be made into two separate Dominions.

The Appointed Day (15th Aug1947) was the Dominion Day and..

The Republic Day (26th Jan 1950) is the Independence Day.

On 25 Nov 1949, Dr Ambedkar, in his last Parliamentary speech says,

"On 26th January 1950 India *WILL BE* an independent country"


Celebrating the birth of India on 15th August, instead of 26th January is akin to celebrating birth of a child on the day it was conceived instead of the day it was born.

The map of India and Pakistan on 15th August, 1947 is on the left. The brown part is India, green Pakistan, and white the princely states which were given the option to join either India or Pakistan.

On 15th August, 1947, India and Pakistan were but a collection of non-contiguous stretches of land that previously was part of British India - like a formless zygote. It was only later when the 565-odd princely states, ruled by local rulers, acceded to either India or Pakistan the whites in the map gradually disappeared and India took shape.

And on 26th January, 1950, it was born.

To celebrate the birth of India on 15th August, 1947 instead of 26th January, 1950 is akin to celebrating the day on which a child is conceived instead of the day on which it's born. (Thanks Goutham Maiyalagan for enlightening on Dominion status).

Shekhar Bodhakar


What is the APPOINTED DAY and what was the contribution of Dr B.R. Ambedkar in the Indian freedom struggle?

This article is from a series of questions answered by Shekhar Bodhakar

Originally answered: Why did Dr Ambedkar not participate in the Indian freedom struggle?

This question is based on a false premise that Dr Ambedkar had little to do with the Indian Freedom Struggle 

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar contributed towards the Upliftment and freedom of ALL Indians from ALL dictators in ways that NO other leader or social reformer did or could. 

I’ll focus on just TWO of his many contributions towards the Indian freedom struggle that are hardly ever discussed.

 THE TWO GREATEST contributions of Dr. Ambedkar (both related) are:

1. Dr. Ambedkar revealed to Indians and worked towards eradicating the root causes of what is preventing India from truly becoming a great and free nation again. A belief in caste being the foremost reason. Unless this cause is removed, India can only dream of becoming a "Sonya ki chiddhiya’ (a golden bird) and freedom from the ruling classes will remain a distant dream.

2. He was the ONLY person to fight for the freedom of ALL Indians from ALL dictators.


I decided to reply to this question after reading many answers on internet platforms giving reasons why Dr. Ambedkar DID NOT participate in the Indian freedom struggle.

MOST ASSUMED THAT HE DIDN’T or his contributions were negligible.

Read the following quote by the greatest Indian freedom fighter carefully (especially the LAST word).

“After giving deep thought to the problem, EVERYBODY WILL HAVE TO ADMIT THAT: Conversion is necessary to the Untouchables as self-government is to India. The ultimate object of both is the same. There is not the slightest difference in their ultimate goal. This ultimate aim is to attain FREEDOM." - (Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1935 Speech).

Today you will discover what has NEVER been taught in ANY school before and will never be taught by the oppressor classes in India.

Dr. Ambedkar was the only person to fight for the freedom of ALL Indians from ALL oppressors and dictators.

In this respect, his struggle for the freedom of ALL Indians, he declared as early as 1935 and again one year later in 1936 at the Nasik conference in Maharashtra.

He is the ONLY person to have saved India from permanently staying in the dark ages where social and scientific progress seemed impossible (as it had been since the decline of the Mauryan empire in Jambudeep) in the land that is now called Bharat or India.

Dr. Ambedkar saved India from the greatest imaginable tragedy by NOT participating in the struggle for freedom JUST FOR THE OPPRESSING CLASSES. He wanted EVERY single Indian to be free.

To fully appreciate the gravity of what has been said so far, you first must know the real reasons why the Dwija, especially of the dominant Varna, the Brahmins hated the British and why they wanted them to quit India. 

Never before did the Brahmins rebel against any other foreign ruler so vehemently. In fact they enjoyed mutually beneficial relationships with all previous invaders and were even happy to give their daughters in wedlock to the foreigners as long as they maintained the social structure designed by the Brahmins. Only the British were hard to convince..

(Video in Hindi): Why the Brahmins wanted the British to quit India).

1). On 16th May 1775, under the East India regulatory act 1773, Nand kumar Dev became the FIRST EVER BRAHMIN TO BE CONVICTED OF MURDER. Prior to this date the Brahmins had exclusive impunity from state prosecution regardless of the crime.

2). 1795: For the FIRST TIME since the decline of the Ashokan empire, Shudras were granted the right to own property.

3).1813: Slavery abolished.

4). Also in 1813: Right to education for all granted.

5). 1817: Punishments according to Varna system made illegal.

6). 1818 - The defeat of Janeudhari Shudra Rule "Peshwa Rule" at Bhima-Koregaon 

7). 1819: A ban was put on the archaic custom of a Brahmin spending the first three nights with the newly wed Shudra bride.

8). 1830: Human sacrificial rituals made illegal.

9). 1835: Compulsory offering of the first born son of a Shudra to the river Ganga made illegal.

10). Also in 1835 on 7th of March, Lord Macaulay fought for and won the right to higher education for Shudras & untouchables and the right to learn English for all non Brahmins.

Under this newly found freedom to education, the iconoclast JYOTIRAO PHULE became the first person, a Shudra, to successfully complete matriculation becoming the most educated person from what is today known as the OBC Catagory’.

DR. B.R. AMBEDKAR was one of the first from the so called untouchable class to be allowed to enrol for a degree under the same right to higher education and Perunthalaivar M.C. Rajah being the first degree holder of the Scheduled Community in India [ B.A in Madras Christian College, Chennai in 1900].

11). 1870: Female infanticide banned

The Female Infanticide Prevention Act, 1870, also Act VIII of 1870 was a legislative act passed in British India, to prevent murder of female infants. The Section 7 of this Act declared that it was initially applicable only to the territories of Oudh, North-Western provinces and Punjab but the Act authorized the Governor General to extend the law to any other district or province of the British Raj at his discretion.

12). 1891 - Age of Consent Bill 1891 which was opposed by Bal Gangadhar Tilak enacted. On January 9, 1891, British colonial authorities had introduced a bill to raise the age of consent for unmarried and married Indian girls from 10 to 12 years. The law targeted the Hindu practice of child marriage. Once enacted, the law served to prohibit the consummation of marriage rather than the practice itself. In several high profile cases, husbands had caused the death of their child brides and the British public was outraged. This declared it punishable as Rape Crime.

13) Untouchable were granted the right to sit on chairs.

14) The British banned the custom of ‘sati’ in which it was obligatory for the widow of the deceased to be burnt to death.


“All battles for freedom are not on equal moral plane for the simple reason that the motives and purposes behind these battles of freedom are not always the same”. -Dr.Ambedkar,”Plea to the foreigner”

The continual amendments by the Brits to these draconian anti-humanity laws became a great source of worry for the Brahmins. Its about time they started a movement to kick them out.



The first and strongest advocate of Swaraj (“self-rule”) was a Chitpavan Brahmin, Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920); also know as Lokmanya. He was known as “the father of Indian unrest” by the British.

The Age of Consent Act, 1891, also Act X of 1891, was a legislation enacted in British India on 19 March 1891 which raised the age of consent from 10 years for sexual intercourse for all girls, married or unmarried, to twelve years of age in all jurisdictions.

The Chitpavan Brahmins, with Tilak as their leader, were against this 1891 Age of Consent bill, seeing it as INTERFERENCE with Hinduism and a dangerous precedent.

REFERENCE: Jai Narain Sharma-Political Thought of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak- Concept Publishing Company-ISBN 13:9788180695841)

Dr. Ambedkar, on the other hand, had TWO freedoms to fight for. Firstly, he wanted independence from the 2-3 percent Brahmins and following that, independence from the British.

No wonder the Brahmins wanted to expel the British from India. For then, they would once again become the lawmakers and live as gods.

Whereas Dr. Ambedkar was the ONLY person who truly struggled for the freedom of ALL Indians of ALL classes from ALL dictators, giving special attention to the rights of women and the most deprived people, the identity-less Avarna Untouchables in what was to become an “Independent” country. It is no surprise that for this reason, the masses began to refer to Ambedkar-the-Great as Babasaheb, meaning respected father (grandfather in some areas) for he attended to their needs as any loving father would do.

In his struggle for freedom, Dr. Ambedkar earned a special place in the hearts of the poor and the deprived, the downtrodden victims of grave atrocities, the oppressed and the suppressed, the mentally crushed and broken, the women and widows, the workers, the orphans, and the disabled.

Had Dr. Ambedkar been unsuccessful in securing these rights for the common person, it is evident that over 85% of Indians, and therefore India, would not have been TRULY an independent country. There would simply have been a PERMANENT TRANSFER OF POWER from the British to the most ardent dictators, the Brahmin-Bania alliance, on 15th August 1947.

It was not until the 26th January 1950, when the Constitution of India came into force that India truly became an independent democratic country free from both, the British and the Brahmanic rule.


Indian Independence act 1947 chapter 30 clearly states that:

15 AUGUST 1947 shall be called ‘THE APPOINTED DAY’ (Not Independence Day). It is the day appointed for  transfer of power from one ruler (the British) to another ruler (The Brahmin-Bania INC).

On 15th August 1947 the British were replaced by the Brahmin-Banias. On 26th January 1950 India gained COMPLETE freedom, officially freeing itself from the Brahmanic rule too. So the true Indian independence day is 26th January 1950 and not 15th August 1947 as is commonly assumed and vehemently promotion by successive governments dominated by the Brahmin Bania.

On 25th Nov 1949 in his last parliamentary speech as the chairman of the drafting committee, Dr Ambedkar said, “On the 26th Jan 1950 India “WILL be” an independent country.”


If India had gained independence on the 15th of August 1947, Dr. Ambedkar would NOT have made the above statement in 1949 referring to 26th Jan 1950.

Further ahead, in the same speech, he AGAIN points to the future FOR THE SECOND TIME and says:

“On the 26th Jan 1950, India “would be” a democratic country.”  This means that before 1950 India WAS NOT a democracy. BEFORE 1950 INDIA WAS COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS HINDUSTAN (which incidentally disintegrated to Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar etc).

26th January is the actual Indian independence Day (FIVE reasons)

1. The chief architect of the Indian constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar specifically said so in his last official parliamentary speech as the chairman of the drafting committee.

2. Indian Independence Act 1947 chapter 30 states that 15 Aug 1947 shall be called the APPOINTED DAY (not Independence Day).

3. It was on 26th January 1950 that INDIA was officially CREATED and HINDUSTAN WAS ABOLISHED.

4. If the CURRENT Constitution didn’t come into fruition (On 6th Jan 1950) :

  • NO Non-Brahmin would have tasted complete freedom and
  • NO SO CALLED UNTOUCHABLE WOULD HAVE TASTED “ANY” FREEDOM at all. These being freedoms that the uninformed Indian takes for granted.

5.  26 January 1950 was the day the constitution of India came into effect replacing the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India and thus, FORMED A NEW REPUBLIC, I.e. a NEW INDEPENDENT COUNTRY WITH IT'S OWN CONSTITUTION. If it wasn't for this day, you most probably would never have heard of Dr. Ambedkar and his legacy (unless some foreigner re discovered him in the future)

26th Jan is Indian Independence Day (from all external and internal dictators). On 15th Aug 1947, the comparatively little freedom that the deprived classes and women had previously gained (thanks to the British), was now at the mercy of the Brahmin Banias.

For 29 months, from the 15 Aug 1947 TO 26 Jan 1950, the Casteist Varnadharmis  were the happiest people on earth.

They became free from British rule. Nothing else but the power to rule was TRANSFERRED from the.. 

BR-itish to the

BR-ahmin-Bania alliance.

So then, instead of the British the Brahmin-Banias became the new rulers (through TRANSFERENCE of POWER). Their happiness dwindled on 26th November 1949 because on this day it was agreed that the new constitution (of which Dr. Ambedkar was the chairman of the drafting committee), was to come into effect. The chosen day of inception was 26th January 1950. 26th November is now acknowledged and celebrated as CONSTITUTION DAY.

This makes Dr. Ambedkar the "Father of Modern free India" too, for he was the ONLY one who secured those freedoms for each and every citizen of free India without exception, without discrimination.

(FOUNDING FATHER OF MODERN INDIA; Title given to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar by Columbia University for playing his part in drafting of the Indian Constitution).

It must also be noted that:

  • When it really mattered, at the time India's future was being discussed at the Round Table Conferences (RTC), Dr Ambedkar was the first and only person to officially have asked for complete independence from the British. This he did in the FIRST RTC which was boycotted by most of the Congress including M.K Gandhi

  • At the SECOND RTC, Mr M.K. Gandhi, asked for "Princely States and Dominion Status" for India, with the British at center. Why is he then falsely portrayed as the great Indian independence icon?
  • Dr Ambedkar was the ONLY person to have attended all three RTCs. This shows how concerned he was for India's future and how committed he was for complete independence from the British. NO OTHER "FREEDOM FIGHTER" SHOWED THAT LEVEL OF COMMITTMENT OR CONCERN.

As soon as the oppressor castes realised that the Indian Constitution was to be based on principles favouring humanity, they were the first ones to oppose it so that they could have a constitution, not so different from the law code attributed to Manu in the Manusmriti.

(BBC Video, HINDI: Exposes the secrets in the Manusmriti, an archaic book of draconian anti-humanity laws).

Thats why I say: If it wasn’t for the Constitution, we probably would NEVER have heard of Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar or his mission. The casteists would have suppressed his name. We, very well may have had to wait until a foreigner re-discovered him. We would've gone back to the dark ages where the laws of Manu were the only laws.

One worrying cause of concern:

There is an open secret that extreme right wing BRAHMANTVA (disguised as Hindutva) leaders, in collaboration with the largest known terrorist organisation in the world, the RSS are planning to replace the current Indian Constitution with an alternative religious constitution. This is nothing less than a planned ‘latent- coup’ because it is GRADUALLY being achieved by making regular unconstitutional amendments to the current constitution. Dr. Ambedkar had foreseen that this could be a real possibility and warned the new independent India of this in his last speech as the chairman of the drafting committee.


1. Why was Dr. Ambedkar the ONLY person who struggled to fight for the freedom of ALL Indians regardless of class, creed, colour or gender, from ALL oppressors and dictators?

2. Why has the above fact NEVER been highlighted by the Indian media, educational establishments and the progressive ruling governments ?

It seems there is a conspiracy to subtly defame Dr. Ambedkar, the father of modern India and champion of human rights by not highlighting his greatest contributions to India. Could it be because he came from what is termed the "Untouchable class". Even questions on popular internet platforms are being asked that prompt the reader into belittling Dr. Ambedkar, the Father of Modern India in every respect.

For example (Its worth reading these too) :

Why did B.R.Ambedkar support the British and oppose the Quit India movement?

Was Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar poor in English?

Why is Dr Ambedkar so overraated?



 Why are  there so many Brahmin freedom fighters?

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